Children Have An Open Mind, The Left Has Not

TruthPepe, 02.22.2021

Every day I just have to shake my head. It seems I will never be able to understand how the Left thinks. Ignoring simple facts, facts even a child understands. Is it ignorance? Is it living comfortably in a little bubble? Is it laziness? Are they the victims of effective propaganda?

Let‘s say you are a Liberal and you hear since November 3rd that there was voter fraud. That the election was stolen. Would you close your eyes and ears to that? Would you not be at least a little bit curios if this is true? Would you not start investigating in that horrendous claim? Starting to read and listen what the other side has to say?

Why don‘t they do that? It is completely childish to ignore those claims. Are they afraid their little card house would collapse? Are they too lazy to research for themselves? Because it‘s easier to repeat shared news headlines from Social Media? And to repost them? Share them? Because they never have something like an independent thought? And are only able to repeat prefabricated lines?

They are like little children. Oh no…forget that! Children want to discover the world. They are curios. They ask many questions, why things are like this and why things are like that. Children are wonderfully open minded.

Leftists are only able to repeat the propagated, political correct words. Feeling so morally lifted, so absolute right, that they ignore all other views. Unable to see that they are just useful idiots to THEM. Like a child, but way, way worse. Repeating all those beautiful progressive ideas. And helping THEM to destroy our society. They have lost the will and the ability to learn, and to develop as a human.

I guess those “wonderful progressive social justice warriors“ are just DUMB. When you close your eyes to facts and are too lazy to research you are ignorant. An ignorant person is already dead inside. Ignorance means you don‘t want to see new, other views. You keep living in your little childish bubble. You will not learn anymore. You have settled down. You are dead inside. You are a left Liberal forever. Shame on your IGNORANCE!


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