I guess I’m not alone with this thought. I live in a European country that was very rich. It had a high living standard. It was #2 or #3 together with Japan. Both countries were ruined and destroyed after WW2.
They were literally in ruins. But we came back! Yes, it was in our nature to come back. Through very efficient and hard work. It was in our blood.

But what do we have now? The Middle Class is disappearing. We’re on a way to very few who are rich and many, many who are poor.
It began in the 90‘s. Slowly. Very, very slowly. And we got used to it. Sadly. We didn’t fight. But we began to fight for other, unimportant things…
The monkeys in Kenya are dying! The plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean! That rare birds in our woods, who must been protected, not allowing factories to be build there. Giving work to 3.000 people! The birds are more important! Those refugees! Oh, those refugees! Come here! We‘ll give you our hard earned money! Come here! You‘ll get that money for doing nothing! While our own divorced fathers get nothing. They have to pay, pay, pay…

And here we are. In a once rich country, who gave it all away. For everything you can imagine. For every unimportant thing there is!
And we ignored us. Yes, US! The monkeys in Africa are more important.
Fight for those monkeys! Because we are just scum. We are not important.
This is what THEY want us to think. And too many people fall for this cheap, dirty trick. Only to appear “woke“. Only for meaningless social credit points. You little bastards are virtual signaling. And you destroy what we built. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU TRAITORS!

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Thank you frens!